Principal's Message

Constituted on civil-military models of quality education and character building of students from Middle to Higher Secondary levels, Cadet College Ghotki has been rising as a progressive seat of learning and training since its establishment in 2010. By producing excellent academic results and making inputs into Armed Forces of the country, it has carved out an outstanding place amongst its sister institutions of the country. Located on National Highway N-5, in proximity of airports (Sukkur and Rahim Yar Khan) and railways, the college is easily accessible by all modes of transport round the clock. Furthermore, surroundings of the countryside with its productive lands, adjacency of the ever flowing Qazzi Canal and proximity of the District’s Natural Safari Park multiply not only the peripheral beauty of the college but also ensure a conducive environment for the psychological and physical growth of the students. Within the premises, the airy and spacious Boarding Houses, fitted with Evaporating Cooling System, and air conditioned class rooms provide students with a comfortable atmosphere for residing and studying simultaneously. Along with provision of medical and psychological care, intensive attention is paid to provide them with balanced diet in their routine meals. Equipped with highly qualified faculty and state–of–the–art facilities, the campus offers a highly qualitative medium of instruction to the students. The Board classes (IX-XII) are educated in accordance with Syllabi of Sindh Text Book Board, while students at Middle level (VII and VIII) are taught Oxford syllabi. Given the increasing significance of fields of information technology, apart from Pre-Engineering and Pre-Medical, students are offered to choose computer science as a distinctive field at their secondary level of education as well. Extensive focus is put on improvement of English Language of students through implementation of specially designed courses, extra coaching and applying group discussion and public speaking strategies. Similarly, science subjects are taught with an objective of cementing basics and creating an urge for critical inquiry during theory and laboratory classes. To nurture students’ faculties of self-confidence, motivation, oratory, art and literature an equal emphasis is laid on organizing co-curricular activities frequently at intra and inter house levels. In addition, through regular sports, drills and physical trainings, students are kept mentally and physically fit. In a nut shell, with a vision of adorning youngsters with quality education and positive character through strategies of wholesome development of their personalities, the incumbent leadership under Chairman Board of Governors, aims at toiling hard to achieve excellence for the institution in all spheres. With this vision to the core of his heart, he warmly welcomes the prospective students to this flourishing centre of knowledge and character building.
Brigadier (Retired) Aimal Khan SI(M)